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Why We Need Women in Tech

Reshma Saujani and Elisabeth Hendrickson inspire women in tech, promoting diversity and innovation, as reflected at Tekton.


In terms of numbers, men dominate the tech field, yet there is a small but powerful group of women propelling the industry. Take Reshma Saujani, a New York Times best-selling author and the creator of the renowned TED Talk, “Teach girls bravery, not perfection.” To encourage more girls to learn about computer science, she founded the nonprofit organization Girls Who Code.

What about Elisabeth Hendrickson? Author of the book “Explore It! Reduce Risk and Increase Confidence with Exploratory Testing” and founder of Curious Duck Digital Laboratory, a startup focused on creating games and simulations that teach basic concepts of effective software development and delivery.

Women are taking on more key roles in the technology sector. In addition to running some of the largest IT firms around the world, this group of innovators and achievers—which includes CEOs, founders, and people in technical roles—reminds us why gender diversity is critical to the ongoing success of the tech industry.

As times change, women are getting more jobs this sector, but they are still underrepresented. According to Statista Research & Analysis, “an average of only one in every four GAFAM (Google, Apple, Facebook, Amazon, and Microsoft) is a woman.” Given the challenges of the tech gender problem, tech companies may need to work even harder in the future to improve these statistics.

The good news is that leaders across industries recognize that a diverse workforce is positive for business. Since women account for fifty percent of consumer expenditure, designing products with women in mind is innovative. As more women rise to leadership positions, it encourages young women in technology to apply for roles with a genuine chance of growth. More women are inspiring, empowering, and encouraging others, particularly women and girls, to seek jobs in the STEM fields (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics).

Young people who are considering a career in technology, as well as professionals contemplating a career change, can all benefit from having role models with backgrounds and experiences similar to their own at the highest ranks of an organization.

In Tekton, the participation of women has brought balance and speed up innovation. These remarkable women are driving the future we envision.

Meet part of our Tekton team.

Mariana Balbi
As Tekton’s Chief People Officer, Mariana Balbi is mainly responsible for fostering a positive work environment and safeguarding the company’s culture. She cares deeply about the professional and personal success of every Tektonian. Mariana is a television and radio commercial announcer with a passion for music and animals.


Veronica Marini

Our IT recruiter, Veronica Marini, is passionate about people, discovering their motivations, and assisting them in finding the right environment to develop their talent. Her driving force is assisting firms in discovering their purpose, establishing a culture based on their values, and attracting the greatest talent to help them accomplish their goals. She enjoys being at the intersection of these two pathways and bringing them together. Veronica appreciates completing challenges with her team and sharing her knowledge with others who are eager to grow. She is really focused when she plays soccer since she is a defender who wants to be a fortress for her team. “If the ball passes through, the player will not,” she explains.


Nily Vicent

Nily Vicent, a Solutions Architect at Tekton, is enthusiastic about software development and architecture and finds inspiration in bringing ideas to life and innovating continuously. In addition, she considers herself a spiritual person who cleanses energies with candles and palo santo before important meetings.


Eliana Huamaní

Systems Engineer Eliana Huamaní specializes in Software Development using the Java programming language. In addition to her primary responsibilities, she develops ideas and improvements for business processes, demonstrating a strong strategic approach. She is particularly excited about the freedom to create and develop software with an emphasis on business in her line of work. Finding hidden faults and resolving issues is unquestionably a very rewarding experience for her. She eventually fell in love with the world of programming, but she admits it was not love at first sight.


Camila Arana

Camila Arana is an Industrial Designer who specializes in web and app interface design, both of which are constantly evolving and in high demand. She really appreciates the variety and adaptability of her tasks. As a grandma, Cami enjoys knitting, quilting, and relaxing with a cup of tea.


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