
The Importance of Cultural Fit at Tekton

Brando Chirinos, Tekton's People's Lead, discusses what cultural fit means to him and why it is key that businesses embrace a culture of diversity and inclusion.

One thing I appreciate about the candidates I meet is that they are passionate about what they do. I'm always looking for the source of this passion, and I'm glad to know that many of them have had it since they first touched a computer or began disassembling and reassembling household appliances. In addition, because of the nature of our business, I value the candidates' adaptability to various situations that may arise in the technology industry. We could be doing "abc" one day and "xyz" the next, and as professional consultants, we must be able to adapt to these situations.


Tekton's culture has been shaped by its diverse nationalities since its inception. Cultural diversity has provided us with a wider range of perspectives and approaches to examine problems and come up with solutions. It has also made us more flexible when it comes to dealing with different customers, markets, and most importantly, situations. 

When working on technology and innovation projects, collaboration becomes crucial for both project team members and clients. Collaboration fosters creativity along with the exchange of ideas between various teams and stakeholders. This leads to the development of new, innovative, and efficient solutions, products, and services. 

​​Perhaps most importantly for me, collaboration fosters cohesion and a sense of belonging within the team and at Tekton. When Tektonians work together to achieve common goals, they create strong bonds and promote an atmosphere of trust and camaraderie.

Tekton has employees from Mexico, Peru, Colombia, and Venezuela, as well as from Argentina and Colombia. For me, having so much diversity at the company means being able to rely on multidisciplinary and multicultural teams to approach challenges from multiple perspectives and offer innovative solutions. It means that every employee, regardless of origin or background, can feel valued and respected for their contributions.

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