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How Healthcare Companies Can Leverage Data Lakes

Written by Tekton Labs | Apr 20, 2023 4:17:57 PM

What does Data Lake mean?

A data lake is a place where an organization can store all of its data, no matter what kind it is or where it came from. In traditional databases, data needs to be structured and organized before it can be stored. Data lakes, on the other side, let companies store raw, unstructured data in its original form. This makes it easier to analyze the information and use it in the future.

What are the Benefits of Data Lakes for Healthcare Organizations?

Daily, healthcare companies have to handle an enormous amount of data. This information comes from a number of different places, such as electronic health records, medical devices, and clinical trials. By using a "data lake," healthcare companies can store all of this information in a single location, making it easier to locate and analyze. This can assist healthcare organizations in improving patient outcomes, streamlining operations, and making better decisions.

Here are some ways in which healthcare companies can benefit from data lakes:

1. Improve Patient Outcomes

By looking at data from electronic health records, medical devices, and other sources, healthcare companies can learn things about patient care that would be impossible to learn any other way. For instance, data lakes can be used to identify patterns in patient data that can help doctors better diagnose and treat diseases.

2. Streamline Operations

Data lakes can be used to store data from various places, such as data from the supply chain, financial data, and information about how things work. By putting all of this data in a single location, healthcare companies can learn more about how they work and check out where they can improve.

3. Make Informed Decisions

Data lakes offer healthcare companies access to a lot of information that can help them make better decisions. For instance, information from clinical trials can be used to find new ways to treat diseases. By looking at this information, healthcare companies can decide which treatments to follow in a more informative way.

4. How to Implement a Data Lake

Setting up a data lake can be a complicated process, but healthcare companies can take the following steps to make sure it works:

1. Define the Objectives:

Before implementing a data lake, healthcare companies need to define their objectives. What do they hope to achieve by using a data lake? What types of data do they want to store? What insights do they hope to gain from the data?

2. Choose the Right Technology:

There are many technologies that can be used to build a data lake, such as Hadoop, Spark, and Amazon S3. Healthcare companies must decide on the right technology according to their needs and demands.

3. Create Governance:

Data governance is essential if you want to make sure that data is used correctly and that its privacy is kept. Before putting in a data lake, healthcare companies need to set up governance policies and procedures.



Data lakes give healthcare companies a chance to use their great amount of data to obtain knowledge that may improve patient outcomes, streamline operations, and make better decisions. By following best practices and setting up a data lake correctly, healthcare companies can use their data to their advantage and stay ahead of the competition.