Service Design

An Interview with Tekton’s Design Director Giuliana Araujo

If it is what you love, the tech environment can be one of the friendliest, most welcoming, most open-minded environments to develop!

 Tell us a bit about your background pre-Tekton. How did you arrive at the role of Design Director? 

As a graphic designer, I was always intrigued by digital as an undiscovered, non-physical world of opportunity that could reach anyone as long as they could access the worldwide web. I started my path in digital advertising at a well-known boutique agency. From there, I went on to become a consultant for start-up funding programs, then worked in-house at several startups, and eventually became a corporate consultant before working inside of a big corporation. After that, I went back to consulting until I found my way to this role at Tekton. It’s all connected and has been a lot of work!


What originally drew you to bring your skills and background to Tekton as Design Director? 

The pandemic increased the need for digital services everywhere, but not only in the sense of having a digital channel or an e-commerce site. There was suddenly a need to redesign at a systemic level. I was looking for a place to land that had the skills and the capabilities to address these needs, while also sharing the same hunger and purpose to change the world that I have. So when I met the team at Tekton, they were the perfect team to join!


What is your favorite part of your role at Tekton?

The “work hard, play hard” culture, celebrating our clients’ success, and empowering a SWAT team of designers in several disciplines to change the world! 


What has been the most empowering project you’ve worked on at Tekton so far? 

A financial Guru App that helps people tangibly learn how to play the systems of complex industries, like insurance, banking, and real estate so that they can enjoy the most out of every penny earned and have the best possible life quality now and after retirement. 


What projects or products are you working on currently that are exciting you the most and why? 

An app that uses biofeedback to reconnect people with their hearts and helps them to better manage and react to their emotions. The goal of the app is to help people live fuller, more plentiful and love-filled lives. Already, the techniques have been validated by NASA, war veterans, students, and high performance athletes, and now it’s beginning to reach many other types of users too! 


From your experience, what would you say is the biggest barrier to innovation for businesses today?

Fear and lack of collaboration. Innovation is not about KPIs or annual return. It is about changing lives for the better. A lot of companies are still catching up to early digital transformation practices, but it’s those who truly invest in innovation, are highly collaborative in greater networks, and who aim to develop progress and community (not just a portfolio of clients) that are fearless in pursuing their purpose! 


What are some of the goals or strategies you plan to implement in 2022? 

Partnership and team development has always been my core strategy. But in the short term, a big goal of mine is to be part of the NFT growth wave, since it will redefine how the world trades – and regulates – now and in the future.


If you could offer one piece of advice to women aspiring to work in the design and technology sector, what would it be? 

That’s a huge question. I think the answer is as personal as every woman alive, but from my personal point of view: Women have always taken the role of caregivers in societies and families. The technology arena desperately needs more people that care. So, turn that stigma around and dare to share your passion for caring and well-being with the world. By sharing your creativity and curiosity, as well as your empathy for others, your heart can pour into wonderful solutions for everyone! 

As in everything, mastery takes time and technology is one of the fastest paced industries, but if it is what you love, the tech environment can be one of the friendliest, most welcoming, most open-minded environments to develop! Go for it, we need you!

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